I found one today and wondered how many unique spots with goodies or Easter eggs there are that you can only access using the power armor jet pack (tcl doesn't count)
As you exit the old north church the building to the front left has a small cemetery on the west side. There is a tree leaning against the building to a lower roof that is not climbable as a ramp. There is a bowling sign over the roof. If you look into the broken windows you can see a stairway leading down with a treasure trunk. I thought for a while it might be an alternate escape from Pickman's or from the Railroad because the door to this area is chained on the inside. But there is a hole in the roof. Using the jet pack you can get to the roof and down the hole to loot the box but the stairs are a dead end. So this is simply an unmarked location only accessible by flying.
Anybody else have examples?