Enchanting and blacksmithing are fine. Use them like you were planning. It won't break a thing.
What did break the game, is when players intentionally tried to maximize blacksmithing and enchanting. To a degree where you could call it "exploiting". They would increase their alchemy as much as possible. Then create potions that would improve blacksmithing and enchanting. Then they would make a set of armor with + blacksmithing, and a set of armor with +enchanting. Then they would wear that and create a set of armor to use. If you stack the effects enough, you could blacksmith items with +130% effect or something. And then throw crazy enchants on them. You would then have gear that would be 4x stronger than the best pre-made armor you could get from quests or chests or drops.
But if you use smithing to make gear for items that you haven't had an upgrade for in a while, no problem. Then throw some normal enchants on them, still no problem. As long as you don't try to exploit the system to the max.