I'm thinking Conjuration as a main skill. Could use bonemen/wrathmen/mistmen with twin souls as my "crew." Archery, she has a crossbow. Nothing in the game resembles a rapier, maybe Blade's Sword or Dragonbane? Or perhaps mehrune's razor Are there any hats in the game that would resemble her hat? I have all the DLC but obviously because it is on Xbox no mods.
Thieves guild would be an obvious questline for a pirate. Maybe Liliana could break her no violence against the elderly rule to get into the Dark Brotherhood.
I'm not sure which side she should be on with Dawnguard. An undead pirate with a crossbow. Considering the vampires because I'm been through the questline on DG's side a couple of times. I'll just need to be conservative with my crossbow bolts.
Not really planning on the war with this character, will just escape with Ralof.
Thinking either Nord or Breton, I know the soul trap on dead body trick for conjuration so don't need the racial bonus.
Any other questlines that would suit this character? Or skills I should work on?