Do the plasma gun stats seem really messed up to anyone else?
With the sniper plasma, both accuracy and range claim to be really high, much higher than my sniper rifle. But testing this in vats it does not seem to hold true. Especially with head and limb shots. When hip firing the plasma rifle it often is off target.. especially if you are aiming downwards. In one instance, targeting a mine in vats showed a 95% chance of hitting it.. the plasma rifle missed every time.
When looking at the stats in modding the plasma gun.., Sniper, Splitter and Short Barrel all show a fire rate of 33. However, with my AP of 165.. with sniper I get 3 shots, splitter I get 2 shots and short barrel I get 5 shots. So they obviously do not all have a fire rate of 33.
Using a scope with it is horrible. It wobbles all over the place... unlike the .50. I thought maybe it had to do with weight but the .50 weighs twice as much as the plasma... sooo that doesn't make sense either.