Now this works fine if the ref is an actor. Is there anything special I need to do for other object types? I've been playing with it for a while now and can't get it to work. It finds a ref, but no effect shader plays.
With these things I usually don't like to ask but I don't have hours and hours to work on it to find out it can't be done

Scriptname HISClueFinderEffectScript extends activemagiceffect Actor Property PlayerREF Auto Formlist Property HISClueTypeList autoEffectShader Property HISClueFinderEffectShader Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference closestClue = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(HISClueTypeList, PlayerREF, 1000.0)String Clue = closestClue.GetBaseObject() if !closestClue Debug.MessageBox("No Clue Found") elseif closestClue Debug.MessageBox("Clue =" + Clue + "") HISClueFinderEffectShader.Play(closestClue, 6.0) endifendEvent