In case you hadn't noticed, this is a "lolthread" why so serious?
Perhaps someone will write a really good mod called "Raising the Coral Kingdom"
The Sload are a race of sluglike beastmen (hence the name, a portmanteau of "slug" and "toad") living in the Coral Kingdoms of Thras, southwest of Tamriel.
It is unknown exactly how Sload reproduce. ... Sload parents seemingly have no interest in the fate of the young. Sload begin their lives as "disgusting little amorphous grubs" ... Upon reaching advlthood the Sload becomes amphibious and has an appearance similar to a large, vaguely humanoid slug. ... There is no known limit to either the age nor the size of an advlt Sload. ... When on land, their default mode of travel is magical teleportation, especially the Recall spell, which they instinctively use when greatly distressed. ...
Besides, Thras isn't even in Tamriel... ?