So I download and installed what I thought were playable elf child mods and yet all I get when I start a new game is a playable Drow child and a playable Orc child. Why aren't any of the other races showing?
Here is my load order:
(0) Skyrim.esm
(1) HearthFires.esm
(2) RaceCompatibility.esm
(3) Update.esm
(4) Xvision Children.esm
(5) Vedaa_Race_TESV.esp
(6) HighResTexturePack01.esp
(7) HighResTexturePack02.esp
(8) HighResTexturePack03.esp
(9) BrelynaMaryonSultry.esp
(10) EzDC - Water Walking Aimed.esp
(11) FollowerWander2.esp
(12) Hroki Companion.esp
(13) poison diseaseSpells.esp
(14) Pupetteer Master.esp
(15) UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
(16) Playable Children PLUS.esp
(17) Killable Children.esp
(18) ElfChildren.esp
(19) Xvision Children - Main.esp
(20) ZazimelDrow.esp
I tried and and I get a crash to desktop. I'm thinking I may need to get the expansions for Skyrim. is what my Wrye Bash looks like.