Not sold on the xpack yet. I've started an evil character recently so I'm wondering if the xpack has any support for such characters, or if it's like the vanilla game's main quest.
Not sold on the xpack yet. I've started an evil character recently so I'm wondering if the xpack has any support for such characters, or if it's like the vanilla game's main quest.
So... we're switching to the metric system for beverage containers?
" It's ok hun... Me and the boys are going for a run to get a few X-packs. be back before daybreak.' Love ya!
This was originally posted in the Dragonborn general forum, which apparently has since gone into /dev/null along with the HF and DG subforums.
Which means those topics will be lost in Oblivion. Great.
to actually answer the question, of course you can play an evil character in the EXPANSIONS (DLC). Skyrim is all about the evil characters
But...why would they do that?!
EDIT: Nevermind, I was reading through gstaff's thread that explains.
Tis the beauty of Skyrim for those " not so nice guys "......There's more for an " evil " character to do in Skyrim+DLC's then there is for a "good" guy
RP is a wonderful thing, it's quite easy to go through DB and the original MQ as evil, the only justification is that Alduin and Mirak tried to have you killed and your gonna kill em right back.
Thank you for translating the OP into english for us. I had NO IDEA what he/she was talking about with the xpack remark.
Almost all of my characters are evil, I have maybe 2 out of 20 or so that were not evil, so not only good guys are the winners in this game.
More often then not I play as evil or opportunistic characters, mostly opportunistic though
Have to side with the hippies in dragonborn and play sims with heartfire.
Yup nice guys normally finish last in skyrim if you are role playing. Since all the nice awards and powers are there for evil/opportunistic characters.
the good concept is lame, TES is good at pointing out the evilness in the world.
and i havent read Gstaff's posts, what happened to the DLC forums?
They merged them into the base game forums. The DLC posts no longer exist in their separate sections in other words.
I can't see it. I tend to revel in the solitude of darkness. However, aside from a couple of questlines, the majority of the game is focused on a do-gooder. It's not really set to be an "either or" decision.
It actually takes a strong imagination to RP an evil character. The game doesn't play to that type very well.
Ugh seriously? being evil in skyrim or tes in general is the easiest thing one can do. sure there is questlines where you have to be the hero and save the day. but on the other hand there is a handful of quests that you can do some pretty evil [censored] in them. the game has more evil guilds than it has good ones. and the evil guilds always have richer and more detailed quests than the others. hell even the 'good' ones are centered about being a mercenary/sellsword and basically killing stuff. which imo creates more room to imagining that your character is evil. and don't forget the daedric quests, they have the most [censored] up [censored] in them. and the divine quests are rarely ever important or interesting enough.
Like i said TES is good at portraying the bad things that happen in the real world and reflecting it in the fictional world that the games centers in.
Dead serious.
And you are right... " handful of quests". That's not exactly catering to Darth Vader, now is it?
More evil guilds? Hardly. The only one is the Dark brotherhood and even it is a slap to what the guild actually is. Nonetheless, the TG is not set on killing. Sure, you're a dirtbag for being a thief to start with, but it's hardly evil. Obviously you're not referring to the College or to the Bards, so that leaves the Companions. While they are a pack of wet dogs, they are centered around honor and glory of protection. Nothing evil about ridding an old ladies cellar form skeevers.
No, it's not an easy thing to be evil. The game did have a supportive feature of this. That being a Stage 4 Vampire 24 / 7, but that was shot to the curb with the implementation of a DLC.
Nope... no bad vibes for the wicked. Now, fetch my daddy's sword, will you kind sir?
... thanks bunches. You're the best!
You're wrong, all you do in TES is kill kill kill. sure that doesnt instantly make you evil, but it sure does gives a path to RP it that way. Why is it that the DB and the TG had long and more memorable quests than the rest of the good guilds in skyrim? the devs seemed more focused on creating bad wicked things than creating good things. the daedric quests always have the most interesting situations where you almost always end up having to kill someone, betray someone, torture someone, or eat someone for no good reason at all. TES has a lot of those types of quests than any other game which again gives you the freedom to be evil.
You are looking at the game from one perspective and ignoring the other ones. you can be the goody knight in shining armor. and you can be some one evil SOB. doesnt take some great RP skills or anything.
Not a sound argument to support your case. Of course you have to kill in the game. You can't progress in it without killing. You don't have much choice as 90% of everything in the game is going to be hostile towards you anyway.
That's not being evil. It's self defence.
That'd be opinionated to the player. As to the quality of the questline. I personally have an issue with them both, for one reason or another. Still, your statement on them has nothing to do about them being evil or not. The DB is, because well... you're a murderer. The TG isn't because you're just a dirty pack rat.
How do you see that? The MQ is centered on you being the hero and saving the world. Almost every single side quest is asked of you for a favor of some sorts. Granted there are a few quests like the daedric ones, but they are just that.... "a few". And listing those individually doesn't carry any weight.
You may like to feel you are an evil genius, but you have to work at the RP side of it more than you do being the gallant savior.
I am looking at the game form the only perspective. The realization the it is favored to a good guy and not the bad one.
The fact that TES has a lot more quests where you can do evil things than any other game in history is enough to support my claim. i'm done discussing this subject as it seems its not going anywhere lol.
Never played Mass Effect?
Fallout 3?
Fallout New Vegas?