» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:52 am
Hold on, i think i figured out what you are talking about. (i also googled your creature to see what it was).
Yes, the bottom half would be a force equipped mesh in the tail slot. Now with these custom skeleton (though from what i see this would be beyond your abilities) you can 'scale to 0' the legs, but leave them attached to the skeleton so that regular boots/greaves can still be worn, but you dont see them anymore. if you want to make an armor/clothing to go on the tail, you make a mesh that goes on the tail slot, this mesh would contain both the tail itself and the new clothing/armor.
I recently did similar for my centaurs, allows me to wear full body armor/clothing, with only the top half visible, without have to make custom items to switch in (which aviod a heap of issues).
If you want to make some force equipped and stay equipped, put up a topic in the CS forums, its not a hard thing to do so the scripts will come quick.
edit: @Talkie: can you send me a copy of your goblins? I really want to make some creature NPCs of my own, but cant figure out some bits.