pretty much, yes.
Put your skeleton and animations in another folder, then you can change a gamsetting (, for when the player is one of your races. For NPCs you just direct their skeleton to yours. The animations in the same folder are used, so any animations where you dont have a custom animation will have to be copied over from the normal directory.
great for compatibility and makes the mod files neater.
Ive done it for my centaurs, so much more freedom.
Hell, this is convenient! Thanks for elaborating it to me.
I also found the setting for the 1st-person skeleton, and when I set these via script only when the player actually "is" a dragon, incompatibility be-gone!
I'll start redesigning my mod towards this approach as soon as I got my new pc to continue my modding endeavours.
I followed this discussion about present items not necessarily fitting the body meshes of the creatures.
My scripting approach I'm fleshing out and expanding since years now aims to remedy exactly this.
It exchanges the non-fitting equipment items with fitting ones (just the visuals, all stats etc. will persist) whenever it finds a NIF file with an "adapted" mesh.
When there is none, a placeholder visual matching type, class and value (or whatever else) of the original item is equipped instead for the time being, so the appearance won't be disturbed. Or maybe such non-fitting items simply can't be worn at all to begin with, that's of course also configurable. An item which is already using an adapted NIF file will simply stay equipped of course.
I admit having to create the many adapted NIF files or an item can't be worn (at least not its visuals) isn't the most ideal solution.
Using CloneForm to create said replacement items with identical stats etc. most likely isn't either.
But I couldn't yet find a more universal and reliable approach without causing other issues instead then... and a lot of these that is.
Maybe it could come in handy once I finally got the latest overhaul fully working again?
It's not designed as a modder's resource with "universal" application in mind for nothing after all.
Scripted Argonian Feet was a premature first-attempt kind of thing. My Anthro-Dragon race is a proof-of-concept showing off the real potential and the modular approach in application.
On a side-note, I'm really putting a lot of hope into NifScripts' development. As it could to a certain extent automate the adaptation process for many things, creating said adapted NIF files on-the-fly instead of someone having to do that once for just about everything.
...Oh...My...God... only now I realized what you just did by telling me all this!
I no longer need to maintain a humanoid skeleton, only able to add custom bones as new leaves or branches to the node tree, unable to "insert" any into existing structures because it would break usability of existing animations and I've sworn not to "replace" any existing ones ever for the sake of compatibility!
I can simply design my dragon skeleton exactly the way I'd like to, given I provide it with all necessary animations, which I can now!
Real digitigrade legs and feet!
The tail longer and more flexible, an elongation of the spine, not sticking out of the butt that awfully anymore!
An elongated flexible neck!
Suddenly this has all become possible! I can't believe it.
You, gentlemen, just opened a door to a whole new world of modding for me.

...damn, I want this pc now...