» Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:41 pm
As I tried to say at the now locked-down-thread:
Well, I like the idea. We have already been given the opportunity to become werewolfes and vampires, so why not liches? Werewolfes were for the more warrior-type, while vampire was kind of versatile (favoring rouges?), while a lich could be the way to go for mages/necromancers.
The player would have to do a series of difficult quests, invest a great amount of gold, wait for a long time, defend their phylactery, be weak for a long time and so forth. It should be really challenging (not impossible of course).
The phylactery would after the transformation need to be protected in your "Spire of darkness" by your minions and servants which you can create. If you have it in your tower/spire, you would upon destruction be transported back to your phylactery, lose some experience (equipment?), and would have ti wait in your spire for some days to regain your strength. if you don′t feel comfortable to have it in your spire (it might get attacked, though never during main quest; don′t know how that would work), you could carry it with you, altough if you are destryed while wearing it, you would be completely destroyed (load).
Your skill in necromancy (which we all hope will be added as a skill or magic school) will be able to reach new heights, your INT and WIS would rise, while dexterity and endurance would be lowered. People would react negatively to you, except for necromancers and some mages (not in the guild), and prehaps the dark brotherhood, though I doubt it. Most people won′t attack you, because of fear, awe or simply just not feeling like it, but you will have a more difficult time interacting with other people.
At the end of the questline to become a lich, you also have a choice to turn from the path, or do something good instead, like sacrificing the ingredients needed to make the phylactery to save someone else (or something like that).
Being a lich, you would get some more quests, generic and otherwise, that never end (any ideas what those quests might be, anyone? Fighting of paladins and "good" mages prehaps and assisting your necromantic buddys).
Of course this needs some fleshing out, but to be a creature of evil (yeah, no good liches!), have a fearsome spire, with dungeons, lackeys, minions, gardens, library, "preparation table" and so forth, would be really, really fun.