Disclaimer: This is dependent upon a function currently in Beta. It may be slightly unreliable.
NPC & Playable creatures provides a tutorial on how to create playable or 'proper' NPC creatures- goblins that can wear clothes, minotaurs you can talk to, that kind of thing. It also includes a couple of examples of the techniques in use, playable/NPC Fire Atronachs, Spider Daedra and Minotaurs, capable of wielding many weapons and some capable of wearing clothes.
Proof, if proof be needed:
In Pictures
In Motion
The NPC creatures can be used pretty much straight away in as resources new mods. The Playable versions are fairly basic- they're more proof that the system works than fully-featured mods as there's not much work put into making them unique as races beyond their animations and skeleton, so there's plenty of potential to flesh them out. Not exactly suitable for hardcoe roleplayers, unless you can some up with a reaaaally creative reason for how they managed to arrest a Flame Atronach. The playable creatures also suffer from one or two slight flaws, for example I was too lazy to write a script to counter the graphical glitches when you play a Spider Daedra in first person, although it's certainly possible (I did for the Flame Atronach).
The tutorial is not hugely long, and not particularly difficult; anyone with a decent grasp on nifskope will fairly rapidly start wondering why they never figured it out earlier. Fairly extensive guidelines and template .esps will help pretty much anyone with a bit of modding experience convert most races to become playable, and the process doesn't take more than a couple of hours at most, including time spent getting distracted by the iPlayer, so it'll be faster for anyone not in the UK.
So, if you want to make companions of the existing races, or turn the get-you-by playable races into fully-featured ones, or make new ones, then Playable & NPC Creatures is what you want.
A vast amount of thanks to XMS, Da Mage, the OBSE and Nifskope crews for exposing the guts behind the process, and making it actually feasible to use.
Got any questions? Comments? Suggestions? Post in the thread.