Playable Races, Choices and You

Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:55 am

I choose Argonian for most of my characters, especially mages and stealthers. I haven't played Altmer, Dunmer, Nord.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:33 am

My last two characters on Skyrim have been an Altmer mage and a Bosmer archer. I've loved playing as both of those races and learning about their history and culture. They would have to be two of my favourite races.

I think the human races are ones that I don't really often want to play as I find it easier to lose myself in role-playing with a non-human race. Having said that, I did have an imperial warrior/cleric as my first character on Skyrim and I enjoyed that. I guess the Imperials would be my preferred human race. I don't really like Nords all that much and I prefer Altmer to Bretons for a magical character. It's interesting to me that many say they prefer to play a Nord on Skyrim as it is the home of the Nords, whereas my preference is for exactly the opposite because I prefer to be a 'foreigner' or an outsider in Skyrim.

As said above, Altmer and Bosmer are my favourite of the elf races. I'd probably try a Dunmer as they seem interesting for role-play too. I haven't got all that much interest in playing an Orc though.

Of the 'beast' races, I've had brief stint with a Khajiit but it didn't really go anywhere and I'm not sure I would necessarily play with one again. I've never really had any interest in playing an Argonian.

I wouldn't say that I really dislike any of the races and I definitely wouldn't rule out playing any of them. However, Altmer and Bosmer would be my favourite whereas I cannot seem to get very enthusiastic about playing as an Orc, Nord or Argonian.

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Imy Davies
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:38 am

I have to ignore the cannibalistic lore I've read of my Bosmer Archer. Yuck! lol

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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:19 pm

I usually always play a human race and I favor Imperials or Bretons. I have never played as a Khajit, Orc or Argonian because I don't like how they look.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:18 am

Elves, orcs, beast races, (sometimes Bretons. Depending on the game. Like Oblivion).

The others.

And because..... I pick the race I want to play based on appearance, not lore or racial powers. Totally shallow. :tongue:

(My first Skyrim character was an Imperial, another was a Nord, and the 2-3 since have been mod races. Oblivion..... hmm. A Dark Elf, an Imperial, and then a variety of mod races - Elves of Lineage II, High Imperials, Chocolate Elves, various Corean & Xenius "head06" races.)

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:57 pm

may your road lead you to warm sands
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:47 pm

Thanks, you know the "may you always walk on warm sand" greeting might also be an curse.

Found this while on holiday, tropic with black volcanic sand. First thing I thought about was the Khajiit in Morrowind mage guild who always said that to me.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:21 pm

I don't really have any interest in being a Khajiit. I don't not like them or anything, Argonians just do it better. I can't stick with a Wood Elf for more than 20 levels. Not really fond of Bretons either, but I have one.

I prefer to play Altmer, Imperial, and Nord. I'm looking forward to making an Orc and a Redguard.
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:56 pm

There's not really a race that I wouldn't want to play; I'm open to all 10 of them. However, for the sake of the poll, I picked Breton. I just find them the blandest out of them all.

My two favorites are Redguard and Khajiit; between the two I like the Redguards the most.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:49 pm

There is nothing wrong with picking the race you want to play based on appearance.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:48 pm

Well, for on I love to play Nords because of their viking inspired culture.

I dislike playing Imperials, because I am not really into the roman culture. But I am planning on making an Imperial female thief someday.

If I am not playing a Nord, I am likely playing a Dark Elf or an Orc.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:50 pm

I usually prefer to play as an Altmer or a Bosmer, I'm not sure why but I just really like elves. I have never played as a Khajiit and probably never will, I'm not very fond of animal people.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:34 pm


Sorry searching for favourite race polls cause I'm curious what people are into, I find it interesting to see the totally different mindsets and approaches to playing the same game.

For me I really only like orcs and redguards, and then bretons a distant 3rd and nords I suppose a very distant 4th and imperials way 5th and then I could never play as the other races. Elves (other than orcs, which lets face it are like the antithesis of their relatives) could not appeal to me less. I know this is a dumb thing to say but elves seem a little light in the loafers, I mean right?? Like nancy boys? No offense but is this not very clear to everyone else? Genuinely surprised they're as popular as they are. I don't want to pretend to be a warrior who seems like he'd freak out over getting dirt on his hands or be like "eww blood, how icky". That's the impression I get from elves. Either wussy and wimpy or so civilised and uppity that being a warrior is beneath them. I think if I was in to magic I'd have no aversion to them, but I'm in to rough gritty warriors and elves just don't embody that for me. Again, besides orcs, which seem to be hording all the mer badassery for themselves.

I don't have an inherent problem with beast races but khajit and argonians just don't appeal to me at all. I don't really like cats, to be honest they're almost like the elves of the animal kingdom IMO. I mean I like cats IRL and I'm nice to them but I prefer the rough and tumble nature of dogs over the uppity fancy pants nature of cats. Dog people I think would have got some play throughs from me, but not cat people. Also khajits in particularly seem kind of creepy and sneaky culture wise, lacking in honour and integrity and they seem dirty and just bad.

Reptile people could have been cool but the type of lizard argonians resemble isn't very cool IMO, they're a bit like water dragons or something which bore me. If they were like monitor lizards or crocodiles that would have been cool, even snakes. I liked kobra khan and the other snake guys in He-Man, but yeah argonians just don't do it for me. Like khajits they give me the creeps culturally as well.

I put bretons over nords and imperials, probably because I'm of english/irish descent myself and I prefer pagans/celts over vikings and romans just from a historical perspective. I think the forsworn in TES are kind of cool. Then I also prefer medieval england over medieval scandinavia or italy. I'll often try and make myself first in any game where you create a player and I found breton best for doing this in skyrim. Nords seem to have a bit of a superiority complex which pisses me off too, borders on racism and I just like to cut them down to size.

Preferably with an orc or a redguard. To me these two are the "specimens" of TES universe and I like to be like "oh you nords don't know what a badass truly is *effn' pow*". If tamriel progressed another few thousand years I feel like orcs and redguards would be dominating the sporting arenas. I want to be the best bipedal animal I can be (warrior wise) and they just seem to be the best.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:12 pm


About the Khajiit, that is their way, sneak and all. Many of them are thieves.
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:17 pm

Imperials are the only character. The rest are just NPCs.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:37 pm

No interest in being an Altmer, and my character has always been the same Nord in both Oblivion and Skyrim.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:01 pm

I liked your paragraph on why you dislike elves the most :laugh:. The same thing usually comes to my mind when I think of them.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:12 am

Excuse me?

Say that to this Elf's face, tough guy:

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:46 pm

It took Tiber Septim bringing the damned Numidium to actually make a dent on the Altmer, and High Chancellor Ocato held the empire together after Uriel Septim's death. Anyone who thinks that elves are wussies is spectacularly ignorant of elven lore.

Yes, that's right, your BIG MANLY TALOS needed a god mecha to get the High Elves' attention, and even now their archmages are still going toe-to-toe with it across time.

Personally, I have no love for the Nords. They were fine in small doses, but Skyrim is all about the goddamned Nords and how MANLY they are/

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:32 pm

It's not that. It's the fact that Elves(specifically Altmer) are cultured and refined, and don't act on their impulses and obsess over the size of their pencses, to compensate for their animalistic desire to "dominate" and ensure their tiny ego isn't further fractured.

Manly man, for the sake of being manly.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:42 pm

I don't play beast races, Bosmer or imperials.

Favorite is Nord. Why... because Vikings. Second would be Dunmer because of their lore uniqueness and general badassery.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:18 am

Imperial is my preferred race to play. They are brilliant, i like them mainly because they don't have any specific traits. For example, nords are really strong, brutish humans. Bretons are gifted with magic, but Imperials are just good traders and tacticians, and they still managed to have the strongest army and control most of the known provinces, but also keep the peace in them all.

I really like Dunmer as well, the culture and architecture from Morrowind really captivated me when i first played, haven't finished the main quest but I'm getting there. :P

My least favorite race to play is...yep our furry friends, the Khajiit. I just have no interest them at all, and i don't know why. Maybe it's because i don't really like cats much in real life, I'm more of a dog person. :P

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:08 am

Agreed so much on elves but I gotta say the Dunmer aren't like this. That's all altmer and bosmer in my opinion.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:17 am

I don't really like to play Argonians and Bosmer. Dunno why. In Skyrim, I don't like to play Khajiit (didn't vote on it though) because of how they handled the PC being the only Khajiit being allowed to enter cities.

I love to play Nords. They're one of my favorite races :3

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:27 pm

Of the three beast races, I only play Khajiit.

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