He seems relatively tough for an elf... he still has those pointy fine features. Doesn't mean I can't imagine him slaying an orc or redguard or nord barbarian type but I imagine him being all "away with you nasty brute" while he does it, like he'd make it wussy.
You can be dominant and deadly and sinister and evil and still kind of sissy. Especially if you have superior technology and power as a race (or magic). Let me just put it out there now that to me magic is inherently sissy, no matter the race. The mages are the sissies of whatever race they're members of. I imagine they caught hell from warriors growing up, probably had their breaches tore up betwix their buttocks before running crying back to their room to read about spells and fantasise about revenge against their superiors.
Brutish manly men have been tortured and executed by sissies for having different beliefs for centuries in real life. Think of all the brutish forest pagan barbarians that would have been brutally tortured to death by some nancy priest or milk drinking emporor through history. Then you can also reference slavery in the americas where big brawny Raw Lewis types were whipped to death by little dainty cackling leo dicaprio types. Hell you could even look in american prisons today to see the manliest baddest men around in chains being reprimanded by some chubby moustachio'd wussy.
I go back to cats and dogs, dogs are just rough and tumble knock about types and cats are uppity wussies. Now that doesn't mean a leopard isn't gonna whip a golden retreivers ass, but still I'd argue the leopard's nature is that of an uppity fancy wussy pants while the golden retreiver is a rough and tumble, turd-rolling, butt sniffing knock about. It's about their personality and approach to life rather than absolute might.
Now I realise redguard's actually do have a somewhat uppity wussy culture attached to them, I don't like that and my redguards I always imagine are from a tribal culture that are relatives of the "alik'r", not actual alik'r.