» Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:38 pm
/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
My first character in Morrowind was a Breton, but I junked it quick, made a Dunmer, because they were just cool - an elf type character that was sort of alien, red-eyes, kind of pissed off... I've always played dunmers, although one of my longest running Oblivion characters was an Altmer and I have rolled an Altmer in Skyrim as well, though my current level 50 something character is a Dunmer.
I've played Imperial (one Oblivion play through) and messed around with Bosmer and Bretons here and there. The beast races -while I love them as NPCs - have never appealed to me to play as a long running character. I think it's having a tail. /shrug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':shrug:' /> I have a Nord in Skyrim, but that was the first time I ever rolled a Nord. Redguard and Orcs never - they seem designed to be warriors first and foremost and other than my Imperial, I consistently play magic users.