Edit; Ninja'd! But the point stands. I'd rather play as a scamp.
Now THAT could work, seeings how not every NPC is going to attack a Scamp on sight, like with a Sload.
Honestly, I don't think the topic creator did as much research into the Sload as they claimed, if they did, they wouldn't have bothered with the suggestion. Seriously, it just wouldn't be remotely feasible.
I like the idea of facing off against a really powerful Sload character, but I'm not counting on it happening in Skyrim. Geographically-speaking, it's extremely unlikely there would even be any anywhere near the province of Skyrim. The western coast of Tamriel, I could see that. Of course, this is assuming there ARE any Sload left, seeings how Thras was destroyed by the All Flags Navy some time ago in retaliation for the Thrassian Plague. It's believed that the Coral Kingdoms have returned, but not truly known.
You couldn't even design a game around them either, they sit around doing nothing most of the time. How exciting. :rolleyes: