Well, i couldnt take it no more so i went out and bought FO:NV. My first impressions was how ugly the world was in compared to Skyrim. Second impressions was how clucky combat felt with having to kill terminator like bugs. However, i kept telling myself i need to get the know the people in the world. Well since the bad first immpression wore off i'm 20 hours in with my first charactor.
All i have to say is it feel like i have been svcked into a TV serise like Prision Break or Vampire Diares and for a video game thats amazing. I think the dynamics in this game are evenmore interesting than Mass Effect which is more like a Transformers movie with big bangs but no depth. Even the combat is getting better now that i'm learning how to dank around with modding them, ammo and sneaking around placing well place shots. I feel like a total tacitical badass running around the waste and outside the strip.
I'm going to be taking a break from SKyrim until the DLC comes out, cause i just found what i think has the potentional of being one of my favort games of all time, along with skyrim. FO:NV seems like its going to turn out as a "video game man soap oprea" with all the different factions and tons of things to do and all the people to listen to. It really gives you the sense that there is big time crap going on in the world. Thus, i now aggree that Skyrim's writing cant hold a candle to FO:NV and i agree that if could Skyrim would be a MUCH greater game. Its sad to see so much potential lost, but i still love the exploration, world and loot so whatever.
I plan on starting over with a new character cause it hard to roleplay him now cause i just didn't have any sense of the world lol. He all F'd up. He basically a scientist, with savy words that like to sneak around. He got on the NCRs jock soon in the game. Then found out he now has his chips lined up to rule vegas but is doing odd jobs for some of the families. Its totally inconsistent so i want to start over. Also, at lucky 38 i cant use that home anymore cause they shoot me up every time i go in

congrats FO:NV community you got 1up in your community

I'm just getting started but its as obvsious as a wart on a super models face, this game is EPIC