Played Wayy To Much Skyrim

Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:10 am

Skyrim is not a great game for someone with a photographic memory. So I turned off quest markers and decided I would just explore Skyrim without doing any quest, find places, etc.

Half my game time is

"Oh what's that a cave"

"Oh I recognize this area, this [insert name of cave]"

Hopeful that it isn't, the cave is the name I said out loud.

A Scroll for Anska is the only quest I did, but I was running around. I was like hey a Nordic Barrow let me explore it, oh wait I know this, this is that quest a Scroll for Anska. I guess I can do it.

Oh hey I know this road it takes me to Dawnstar. Oh hey I know this puzzle [without having to look at the solution, on the ceiling or in plain sight, got it right]

At this point, I'm starting to get bored with Skyrim because I pretty much know the location of everything and pretty much know every quest its tied to, how to complete said quest, how said quest would end up, etc.

You know, this wouldn't have been a problem if quest you know had multiple ways of doing them.

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Haley Cooper
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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:42 pm

Same. There are very few dungeons I don't recognize well.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:44 am

Kind of ruins the whole "Exploring Skyrim" if I know every dungeon and every cave.

Kind of the reason why I don't do the deadric quest. Rashir when I played on my 360 was the guy who did everything. lol He was my everything.

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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:33 am

You have to have a photographic memory to remember stuff in Skyrim. I can do pretty much any quest in any dungeon without ever needing to look for a solution.

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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:24 pm

But my point was that, that gets boring.

I want challenge, intrigue.

I want to be able to go

"Man that quest was fun, I wonder if I did it this way how it would turn out"

Instead it was

"Man that quest was a chore, I remember it, do I want to do it again? Nah"

I have said this numerous of times before, to the point where it gets annoying. I still play all three games, Morrowind, Skyrim, and Oblivion. I can load up Oblivion, I remember all the dungeons, all the quest even now. And still enjoy them.

"Hey that village is invisible, do I want to do this quest again, hell yeah?"

"Oh look Shivering Isles, do I want to do that again even though I know every option and twist and turn, hell yeah?"

Skyrim is a lot of

"Hey I remember that dungeon, retrieve a scroll for Anska. Nothing really happens in the quest, not very interesting. Do I want to do it again? Not really" [walks away from dungeon]

"Hey I remember talking to that guy, he wants me to recover salts. That was a pain. And it was doing someone else's chore. Do I want to do it again? Not really" [walks away from guy]

I want interesting things. Challenging things. Intriguing things.

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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:52 pm

If your point is that the story is sometimes to linear and straightforward, than yes, I can follow you to some extent. Skyrim is less dependant on your choices than some other similar games, unfortunately.

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Post » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:57 pm

Skyrim, like all other games eventually comes to an end, if you let it. Luckily I play on the PC so I have plenty of things to keep the game from ending.

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