For some days now arguments have raged, battles between those who want mastery of skills to equate to truly powerful characers, those who want every enemy in the game stronger than a drunk, naked, crippled bosmer farmer to provide a deadly challenge ALL the time, no matter how many levels the PlayerCharacter attains, those who desire balance, and those who, above all else and regardless of their personal playing styles, want the game to offer the maximum amount of OPTIONS, within the realm of reason.
Other threads have fallen, sadly, into hyperbolic nonsense about Deified player/characters who can obliterate entire countrysides by passing wind.
Here is the real crux of it, however. What options should there be. The Difficulty Slider goes a long way in making the game bend to player desires, HOWEVER, broken scalling , and a backwards handling of enemies (i.e. one which allows certain trolls to be more powerful than ogres and Daedric Warlords) make even the slider a problematic and poor fix. A player who turns it down to make the rats and goblins less deadly, probably doesn't want to make Dragons into one shot easy kills.
So how should it be handled, and what options should players have? Should everyone be held to a tyranny of challange obsessed hardcoe mode fanatics, or to powergamers? Should levels never allow for true acquisition of vast power relative to the average enemy in the game? Or should the game due its best to meet both playstyles in the middle?
My feeling is that Default setting should allow you to be average for a good while, but extremely powerful at the upper end of the leveling capacity. Easy mode should make you truly godlike, very difficult should make you dinner for virtually everything in the game.
Your thoughts?