In Skyrim, will we be able to make better use of our home? For example, if we purchase a kitchen upgrade, can we actually cook food and recipes in our house? We already know that we can cook salmon and make it into salmon steak. Can we do that with other ingredients in our house? Say I take venison, potatoes, carrots and flour, can I make a stew in my own home? I would like to be able to bake bread and make other foods from raw ingredients, in the comfort of my own home.
(As a side note, since Skyrim is such a cold place, will there be warm drinks that we can make, like coffee or tea?)
I also hope that we can have the option to purchase a smithy. In Oblivion I saw lots of smithies inside buildings, down in basemants or just to the corner of a shop. If we can smith and upgrade armor and such, can we do it in our house?
I'm sure there's other things that would be nice to have, something that's actually usable in our house, besides a bed. Maybe Bethesda took a note from the COBL mod and put in alchemical sorting cannisters? That would be really cool.