Player Movement Speed

Post » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:24 pm

I'd like to make a mod that increases player speed through the perk system. I know how to mess with perks but I don't know how to add movement speed. I'm assuming there's script editing involved but I dont know where to start. I DLd someones mod that did the same thing and found that all the commands were custom so there must be something outside of creation kit that I'll need to do.

any help with software or what not is appreciated.

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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:11 am

You should be able to do that easily with an ability or something similar. The Actor Value "SpeedMult" is what you're looking for. This AV is a little weird though in that you will have to modify "CarryWeight" (by some negligible value) to get it to trigger right away.

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