I have a ForcegreetFromSitting package on a NPC that when player gets near fires with the line "Won't you sit down?" Player goes through a six check for dialogue response but will be convinced to sit down - has to otherwist NPC won't continue the dialogue. What I have is that at the end of the short "Sit down" dialogue the quest goes to stage 10. At stage 10 I need a fragment that checks if player is seated, if player is seated, value of 3 I believe, then the "IF" comes into effect and sets a stage in another quest which continues the dialogue. I would need an "Else" to that if the player walks away (doesn't sit) then the initial dialogue will be displayed again when player enters the forcegreet trigger distance, a quest reset in fact.
I thought that the player's sitting state would be in a global variable which I could use as an Int Property and manipulate the event around that but I can't find a global value for sitting even though Wiki shows the various sitting states as numeric values. Help please.