How many players would you like to see in the PC multiplayer of Crysis 2?
Keep in mind that this poll is about the max playercount. for example if it would be 24 players there most likely would be options for less players (such as 12)
ALthough the engine isnt the limiting factor (it could do 64 player easily), its really the maps and the actual settings in-game. My bet is 18 player on PC. However, mods will likely change this, as did the temporary 128-player mod did.
with the size of maps 18players looks perfect anymore then that would be hella crowded the maps are different size so I think that maps like rooftops could be 12-18 while maps like pier 17 could easily fit 12-24 players.
with the size of maps 18players looks perfect anymore then that would be hella crowded the maps are different size so I think that maps like rooftops could be 12-18 while maps like pier 17 could easily fit 12-24 players.
With Crytek being so focused to combat halo and cod like console games, I highly doubt maps are designed to handle more than 12 players. I fear anything more than 12 would become a cluster F#$K
i like 24 =3, im used to playing TF2 12 v 12 and tat amount is perfect. There's always action where ever you go and it's not too chaotic. It also leaves some space on the map for ambush and tactical play. You can get to know your team more since it's not too big. And if there is mic chat implemented, noone can hear each other talk if its like 32+ players. It will annoy the crap out of everyone, making them want to mute people.
That would have to redesign the map from the demo if they add more players. I assume they've already designed the rest with 6v6 in mind as well. More players is not more fun on small maps.
I think the smaller players really work actually. I can imagine a predator hunt/like thing. Imagine everyone has infinite stealth and cannot switch from stealth and the only way to kill is with a stealth kill. So in that case, 6v6 is great. Just an Idea for a game mode.
I'd prefer a 6v6.Too many players on small maps is always a bad idea.I love what crytek have done here,they are experimenting something new here.If it doesnt work they can increase the player count by releasing patches.
official maps should be 18players with a possibility in the editor to make maps for 32 players and be able to run that, but with somekind of blockade to prevent 18+ on official maps. this way official maps have good experience and modders can go have fun making PS maps and whatever comes into their mind
6v6 is fine but you have to account for player drop in/loss. so in lots of cases it will be 5v6 or something, its better to have 9v9 then cause 9v8 isnt bad or something, it gives more breathing space