-Now that′s quite annoying though I don′t even know how to hack, I only tried to modd some maps on Halo3 4 years ago(and I ended up with stupid face).
-And then on Wall Street, they keept writing the same thing, and this time after 5 failed votes since Terminal, on the sixth, they got me kicked, the last comment I wrote was, ``You know, if you′re climbing on the outside of the building, it′s pretty easy to see you′′, and before that, I wrote ``What, I don′t wallhack, it′s the part of the game to shoot the enemy runing up in my face′′.
-Now I literally hate to be kicked for being blamed for being more skilled then them, but seriously, they used L-Tag, Rocket, HMG, and M60, and still thought I hacked even when I had a K/D of -3(10 kills, 13 deaths).
-Have anyone else here a tips on how I can get these ``blamers′′(can we call them) banned, it′s no fun to play a great game and then being kicked for being blamed for hacking.
-Couse I want these 4 year olds of this game, this is a game for players who can see the differences between hacker, and skilled players(16+), not kids who pleaded for their parents to buy the game for them(4+), and then thinks that a guy who killed them, is hacking/cheating, I thought the same thing, but not anymore, their making me angry, couse I want to enjoy playing this game, not being enraged couse I′m being kicked all the time.
-Anyone else here who agree,? please share your opinions!