I can't help but find playing a PC hooked into a TV to be pretty contradicting. Whats the point of playing PC if your TV is going to limit the resolutions? o.O
With a PC hooked up to a TV through HDMI or DVI, one can use their TV as a monitor and get actual 1920x1080 or whatever their TV's resolution is without scaling. The right television wold not limit the resolution and if one really likes to game from their couch with a controller, they can use their PC like an XBox on steroids.
My TV is 1920x1080 and only has a DVI connector. OS X, somehow, can fully utilize it to play HD film/games, but for some reason I've not gotten Windows and Sony to cooperate (interminable overscan issue). *f I can get my PC to plug into my TV and working properly, I'll definitely be using it to render Skyrim as it's resolution is higher than my monitor's.