I love TES. Most people who love TES play for hours at a time. Not me.
Today, I put Skyrim in my disc tray planning on playing my thief and heard the Skyrim theme tune... I played as my Nord who had just been to see the Greybeards.
So my session went like this, I went down High Hrothgar, cleared a nearby cave. Killed the Cultists from the Dragonborn DLC in Ivarstead. Killed many bandits and necromancers on the way to Ustengrav. I stopped in Whiterun to see the Jarl and sell some supplies. Then, I made my way to Ustengrav, clearing a dungeon and killing bandits on the way. I cleared the first two rooms of Ustengrav before calling it a day. I enjoyed every second of that session and was totally immersed in the world. I played for an hour and 45 minutes.
I know for a fact that there are people who play for 12 hours a day who aren't as immersed as I am when I play.
So yeah, Skyrim is still amazing! I swore to myself when I got the game a day before release that I wouldn't stop enjoying it for a long time, and I still do. And Oblivion, and now Morrowind! So yeah! How about all of you guys? Do you play in long or short sessions and how does the amount of time you play for affect immersion?