Playing certain animations when entering or leaving Combat M

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:52 am

First of all here is some background that you may or may not want to read:


Basically what I am trying to do is to make a flying custom creature.

This creature needs to fly low enough during combat so that it can hit grounded actors (and grounded actors can hit it) without using projectiles ... and yet it needs to fly high enough (when not in combat) to look like a real bird rather than a hovercraft.

To achieve this I've added a bone to the skeleton just under Bip01 Nonaccum (lets call it Bip01 HeightControl). Since this bone is part of the "trunk" rather than a "branch" ... its Z translation will effect the flight height of the entire creature.

When in combat mode, I want a certain animation to translate the Z position of this bone (BIp01 HeightControl) so that the creature gets low enough. When out of combat mode (or when not having entered combat mode at all) I want a second animation to increase the Z position of Bip01 HeightControl so that it reaches a higher altitude where birds actually belong.

No other animation will control the bone (from my experience if a subsequent animation doesn't have any keys for a certain bone then the bone will retain the animation from the previous sequence until another animation actually touches the bone again ... so walk, run, attack etc. will keep the Z height to what it was set in the two height control animations).

So basically I want "Animation A" to play when a certain creature enters into combat mode, and I want "Animation B" to play when the creature leaves combat mode.

Its kind of like how equip and un-equip animations work in the game ... but the difference is that un-equip also plays when the creature is dead ... and I DO NOT want my animation to play when the creature is dead (if you read the background: I don't want my creature to fly back up when dead).

I am hoping that there is a way to do this using Special Idles and their conditions ... so can someone guide me on how to achieve this?

Side Question: Is there a limit to how much translation distance you can apply to a bone for a creature animation ... mine applies 3000 max units in the Z axis)?
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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