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Don't answer the poll if your an aimboter.
Don't answer the poll if you own a pirated copy of Crysis 2 and was able to play multiplayer with it.
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Seriously? The progression bug from the MP demo is not fixed yet? I mean it's like Crytek didn't even listen to any of the bug reports during the demo. The bugs were just too obvious to dismiss, it's like Crytek really intended to keep it that way. Business strategy? Marketing stuff? Because PC multiplayer is free? Even so, we still deserve a complete product. I think we deserve an option to get our money back for being given this unfinished product. It's like buying a burger without the steak then the vendor says "The steak(patch) is coming soon". But that's not even the scenario here, Crytek didn't even mention the one bug that's really worth going crazy for -> The MP PROGRESSION BUG. I'm talking about the one that forgets all your hard work and puts your level back from where you started. All your weapons, attachments, Dog-tags, gone. That's why I said "Literally" in the title. Why would you play MP if your progress if frequently discarded by the server/client (idk probably server but I also think client because it reminds me of nanocatalyst bug)? That said, maybe 50% of your reason to play MP is gone. In my opinion, if they don't mention the bug, they are currently not fixing it. I mean, what's the point of not saying it? Saying it would cool off the community. I'm gonna end with that. Got some comments? Go ahead and post. Got some negative comments, fine but think carefully before posting.
Yes, it is a wall of text. If you don't wanna read just vote yes. Trust me, you would.