Christopher Livingston has become my favourite writer of game articles. This one is pure gold.
Christopher Livingston has become my favourite writer of game articles. This one is pure gold.
I also like doing breaking the game playthroughs, that was a good read.
Ha, funny. I do think recycling all the building materials was a complete waste though. I'd at least try to scout around the local area now and then for enemies. Maybe set up a settlement at the Red Rocket to get some kind of trade route started also.
It can be fun play like this, trying to be a normal settler and not the big hero. Maybe having as rule never doing quests, but being free to explore. I will definitly try this sometime, with a couple of building mods and playing in survival mode.
It does sound fun!
I eventually plan on doing something similar. Ignoring the main quest, and building settlements, but my character will be a mercenary. There's a lot of side quests where you can ask for more money so that'll fit into the character well.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why Fallout 4 is the best game in the series.
So he forgot about the kid ... drunken loser ...
My second (and likely final) character had much higher charisma. I was like level 7 or so before even leaving Sanctuary :3
Pretty sure just about anyone can do that so long as they have Idiot Savant. That perk is delicious.
haha I didn't leave out of Sanctuary for a long time after I started. I now have about 10 settlements and invested in getting local leader. Supply routes make the settlements buildable for sure. Must have.
Pretty cool. I could never do that, it would just get too boring.
Hahaha.. This is fantastic! Awesome read!
I was actually thinking about doing something similliar myself but not as extreme as in the article. But I was mainly thinking of doing something along these lines.
Build a small settlement in Sanctuary and when I get 2-3 settlers I could start to do small scavenging expeditions around the area to try to salvage what is possible. But mostly, mainly try to live off the land and when the settlement is big enough maybe try to expand a bit to the neighbouring area, Abernathy Farm for example. It's a friendly place and some friendly trading could work between the two settlements. But I think there is a big risk I would get tired of it pretty soon so I would probably end up not following through.
I am thinking I might try this out. I was thinking of doing something like this on a character I was looking to just a settlement building. Never contacting any of the factions but looking to add the settlements over time.
So first work on Sanctuary and then move on to Red Rocket and then move on to the other settlement likely Abernathy and so on.
How long before PG Gamer goes out of business like the other magazines? With stupid articles like that I hope asap.
this is the kind of role playing that the hardcoe mode requiring food and water/sleep from NV was good for. I did the same thing with one character in which I just hunted wild mutants/animals for food and harvested plants for water.