True, it did not have alot of uniqueness going for it, but I felt it was very well crafted, and presented the generic qualaties quite well. I also like that the main char. is not some spiky haired kid who ends up having to save the world or sumesuch. He is an actual trianed warrior and has been around for a good long while.
Well I can't think of a whole lot of jrpg's that really have a kid character that isn't trained or anything like that. I mean if that's a crack at Final Fantasy that doesn't really hold true for most of the series. Not a lot of other JRPG's follow that formula either (there are a couple that come to mind that do but for the most part it's not that common). Mostly I hear that and I think that the people who say that really haven't played a lot of jrpg's because there are a lot out there that don't fit that archetype.
Lost Odyssey's plot was fairly standard, but it stood out in my mind with its writing. Especially the "Thousand Years of Dreams" sequences. I think JRPGs tend to have trouble conveying their stories, whether something is lost in translation or just wasn't all there to begin with, but I thought Lost Odyssey nailed it. Could be because the story was simplistic.
That was actually one of my favorite parts of the game and one of it's redeeming qualities. Like I said it's not that bad of a game and it does have some decent points to it.