Have anyone had success with this? Im considering ideas for a new character whom doesnt rely on tricks Ive done already. Explosives was fun enough, though it got kind of tedious having to reload the grenade riffle after every shot, plus the enormous splash damage if the explosions lands too close. Plus you need to devote an awful lot of perks to bump up explosion damage levels. 3x Demolition Expert, plus Grunt if using grenade rifflles/launchers. Flamers just need Pyromaniac for their major boost.
From what Im reading around, a flamer works much like a grenade rifle, allowing you to lob balls of fire. Even if you have minimal hit, it WILL still land someone near the target and damage them. So I could imagine that splash damage is particularilly good. Also, flamers seems to have an obscenely high criti modifier of x4 when looking at their stats on the wiki, kind of encourage a critmeister to get the max leverage from it, unlike explosives.