Okay, I'll try to explain my self, and apologise for sounding flameworthy where it really wasn't intended

We all know winning is fun, thats a given really, but in my experience (and again, not condemning all the competitive gamers here of my past experience) the people who try too hard to win, end out missing up on the fun of the actual game. For some people winning is the whole point of it, and fair play to them. But for me at the very least winning really isn't that big a part of my enjoyment of online play. If I get a nice, funny, talkative team together who all totally svck, I'll still be dead happy.
So really, as I said, I'm just looking for like-minded people who are more laid back, like me. Where the main point of playing is just about the game, not the outcome.
If it still seems like I'm having a go or something, sorry yet again. Just my definition of competitive gamer might be different to all yours.