First post on these forums and I'm in a sticky situation.
Im trying to replicate the face of Mankar Camoran as exactly as I possibly can. Im finding it very difficult as I've already spend a whole day trying.
Here are two screenies of what I have at the moment. (I know it's not right - any ideas on what though...?) and another...
Now here are some screenies of what I'm trying to get...
humb/f/f1/Mankar_Camoran.jpg/300px-Mankar_Camoran.jpg (owch long link...) (this one looks a little bleached out... )
Oddly enough I have not managed to find any decent HQ pics of him. I guess people don't think he's very cool.

On a side topic - Im going to attempt to get 100% spell absorb and 100% damage reflect by endgame. Ive never played with atronach before and it seems like a fun challenge.
If anyone has any suggestions on creating Mankar's Face - please reply. Feel free to tinker with an Altmer New Char and see what you can come up with.