Short answer: Yes, very possible.
Simplest way: Play how you want and adjust the difficulty slider to taste. That is no more ‘working the system’ than +5/5/5.
One other way (of many): Ignore attributes that your character does not need in order to focus on one’s they do. My character, as an example, is a no melee glass cannon mystic archer. This is her approach toward attributes:
-Intelligence, willpower and agility. These are the only three key attributes that my character needs maxed. She requires plenty of magicka, the ability to generate it quickly and the ability to do massive bow damage.
-Personality. This can be safely ignored by any character. That said, mine maxed it, but purely for RP purposes.
-Speed. If your character runs down foes or runs away from them it is important. My character maxed this before I knew better. She could just have easily ignored it. She sends an arrow after her foes instead of running them down. She also doesn’t run away; rather, she disappears and walks away if necessary. She travels on a very fast horse, not by foot.
-Endurance. She doesn’t get hit so she ignores it. Her tiny red bar has served her well for 775 hours and zero deaths.
-Strength. She won’t touch a melee weapon and doesn’t worry about carrying loot. So she ignores this too.
-Luck. No character of mine has ever bothered to add a single point to luck and I like it that way.