» Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:54 am
I actually recommend starting off on a much smaller scale, as it's worked out pretty well for me. Basically you should decide on the thing that most annoys you about Morrowind, and find the mod that fixes it in the way you find most suitable, then move onto the other annoying things. Mehrunes Razor for example, there's a few mods that make that the little dagger of divine death the in-game lore touts it to be. Stuff like that.
Of course, I'm of the mind that Morrowind, generally-speaking, looks good enough as it is, and that its gameplay aspects are what most need retooling. BTB's improvements touch on that to pretty great extent, and he's been kind enough (or insane enough, depending upon how you look at it) to allow the rest of us the luxury of picking and choosing which aspects we want to put at his mercy, whether it's Spells, Alchemy, Equipment, Character Creation/Development, etc., we can have it all if we wish, or only take one. Very handy.