Yea, know what I mean, kp? The bandit..the traditional bandit who waits in ambush, is a much stronger roleplay in vanilla TES: V. Cool, I'm psyched others have managed this same idea.
The race outside my comfort zone (the one I'll
never play) is the orc. I was against playing Argonians, too, for a long time, but I think I will someday make a lizardman in Cyrodiil one of these days after all my other ideas are long extant. This lizardman will probably dwell in IC's sewers....murdering with his bare claws, and running into the sewers to escape. Ooohhhh, such fun.
But an orc? Never



I play an
orc. My comfort zone here goes way back to my dice and paper days, when playing an orc was something
nobody did, unless he or she wanted to be riduculed and not trusted by "civilized" society.
..And yes, I know Cyrodiil's orcs are supposed to be somewhat "civilized". I've never been able to go there. Though Jericho is okay in my book.