Although I don't ascribe to categorical statements, I certainly did plan my stealthy mystic archer with great care. The centerpiece was ensuring her main killing skill (marksman) increased by 3-4 every character level. Secondly, we ensured by the time marksman hit 100, that her key attributes were also at 100 (agility, intelligence, willpower - illusion is her 'back up' to the bow). The simple supporting skills like stealth and alchemy were, of course easy to level. Anyway, those goals were met, as planned, at level 19 and that is where she stopped leveling. By capping her at the apex of her lethality, we denied her foes from gaining more hitpoints - which helps ensure her lethality. This careful and deliberate process was approached from the same perspective that any prudent elf planning to survive in a harsh profession in a harsh world would perhaps employ. Not for everyone, but I've been simply delighted with the results.
In order to ensure our game remained challenging and the character developed as a true 'glass cannon', we never did add any points to her endurance or strength, and she usually adventures with a single digit armor rating. For RP, she is simply a very fragile elf who dresses for stealth, not melee.