I play my gender simply because I feel that when playing the opposite gender, you're essentially a virtual transsixual and I've got enough problems as it is without tacking that on.
Funny story, when I very first started playing World of Warcraft 6 years ago ( you know, before it got dumb) a friend introduced me to it, so I roled a character on his server and started playing. About an hour he logged on and come over to spot me some loot/cash and wisdom and he shows up a nightelf FEMALE, so the next day I see him at wortk and I'm laughing so hard I'm crying I say
"DUDE, you play F-ing girl, thats so gay!"
and he replys
"Yeah I'm staring at some chick in skimpy outfits, what are you staring at when you play, now whos gay?"
... I never played female characters but I dont laugh at people who do anymore