I've just completed the main quest for the third time; first time was a sneak-archer, second mainly let her companion do the killing and used sneak-archery when necessary ... and the third one was another sneak-archer.
I fancy trying something different. My characters have all been the sneaky assassin types, relying on distance attacks to take out foes before they even realised my presence. I didn't have to worry too much about building up armour because I by and large didn't get hit.
That's why playing a warrior type character appeals to me, for a change. No creeping around and standing back in the shadows, I fancy the 'rush into the heart of the battle, armour on, weapon drawn' play style. I also toyed with a mage, but it's not dissimilar to what I've already had - ok, it's magic instead of arrows, but still ranged attacks, I'd probably still fall back to sneaking... Also, I did have a mage character make it halfway before, I feel like I've done it even if I didn't complete it.
Having never played a battle-based character, I'd just like some advice on whether my plan sounds sensible. I'm thinking Orc, specialising early on in heavy armour and two-handed weapons, heavily supplemented with smithing and also some enchanting. Any comments/suggestions?