Playing a warrior (or possibly a mage...)

Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:33 pm

I've just completed the main quest for the third time; first time was a sneak-archer, second mainly let her companion do the killing and used sneak-archery when necessary :laugh: ... and the third one was another sneak-archer.

I fancy trying something different. My characters have all been the sneaky assassin types, relying on distance attacks to take out foes before they even realised my presence. I didn't have to worry too much about building up armour because I by and large didn't get hit.

That's why playing a warrior type character appeals to me, for a change. No creeping around and standing back in the shadows, I fancy the 'rush into the heart of the battle, armour on, weapon drawn' play style. I also toyed with a mage, but it's not dissimilar to what I've already had - ok, it's magic instead of arrows, but still ranged attacks, I'd probably still fall back to sneaking... Also, I did have a mage character make it halfway before, I feel like I've done it even if I didn't complete it.

Having never played a battle-based character, I'd just like some advice on whether my plan sounds sensible. I'm thinking Orc, specialising early on in heavy armour and two-handed weapons, heavily supplemented with smithing and also some enchanting. Any comments/suggestions?

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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:18 am

I think you've already answered your own question. If you've never played a warrior before then you definately cant go wrong with an Orc. Very strong and their berserker rage racial power is a life saver. Focus on heavy armor 5/5, two handed 5/5, smithing the right side of the tree. Thats really basically all you need. Anything else in my opinion is entirely up to you.

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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:22 am

A big two-handed Beast sure is fun, but there is potential for it to become boring if that is all you do. Those kill cams are great, the first hundred times you see them.
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Monika Fiolek
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