Been a huge fallout fan and obsessed with immersion and roleplay. So with my second play through I decided to try the game playing without HUD, on the hardest difficulty to get the "survivalist" feeling.
My greatest fears were:
- going to get lost especially in Boston
- not seeing my health resulting early and frequent death
- can't see the content of containers
My experience:
- get the V.A.N.S perk. It's godsent helping you finding your way around. Prior I saw no point of it, now I find it incredibly useful
- no hud makes survival a bit more tricky, but soon I learned to play more carefully using cover more often. Nohud's one of main feature is that you don't see the name of enemies neither. Anything you encounter can be a lethal threat. Any creature you bump into can be a legendary beast and you won't have any clue till its late. This makes the game more thrilling. Prior when I saw the enemy was simply a common raider I just ran up for shotgun headshot. Now? I pick my battles more carefully.
Had to learn to spot weKer trash enemies that are less likely bosses. With humanoids it was easier, but never 100% foolproof.--> look at heir equipment, the better the armor and weapon the more dangerous they can be.
Now with animals, it's different. There is no good strategy, you just pray the boat fly you ran into is not a festering legendary super-duper killer machine. Happened before.
-containers: I had to learn that it's possible to peek into containers, but playing with HUD I completely missed this feature: when looking at a container you won't see the quick contents, but you can activate the transfer function nevertheless. Main issue was first succeeding to activate the container since there is no pointer nor crosshair helping you. Generally what's in the middle of the screen is the target for activation. Need some getting used to.
The second big issue arose later. Owned property. Items not in containers are impossible to determine wether are faction bound and therefore taking them is considered stealing or not. Now a workaround is: peek into a container, then you can see if the items inside are owned property or not. If so, likely the rest in the area will be too.
Playing without HUD is a decision I wish I made earlier. The game becomes more thrilling and world more dangerous. Now it has a real end-of-the-world feeling, where you are prey more often than before.
I recommend the feature to anyone.