My fist char is a retired militia man, he has no skills with magic what so ever, how ever his daughter (2nd char) wants to join the colledge of winterhold.
But he disapproves and forbids her to go! To rebel against her closed minded and overprotective father, she studies magic in secret from him. Later on she meets a young wizard she falls in love with. Of course the father also dissaproves and swears the wizard cast a spell on his daughter, leading to him killing her fiance!! His daughter, fraught with tears and anger runs away, vowing never to speak to her father again! Years down the road she finally manages to get accepted into the winterhold college, where she takes on her first job. Her father, not hearing from her once in the years she had left him at last receives a letter, informing him about her accomplishments, and her upcoming successes in her field. The father after reading the now tear soaked and soggy letter leaves his home for winterhold. He is proud of his daughter after all. Upon his arrival he learns his daughter is out on a mission to the top of the throat of the world. He then pursues, climbing the endless steps towards his last remaining goal in life, to tell his daughter how proud he is after all.
At the top of the stairs he see his daughter and a dragon swoop down!! *Fight scene where father saves daughters life from dragon, at the exchange of his own* *daughter becomes the most badass dragonborne to ever walk the Nirn and defeats Alduin.*
The end.