I think it's the Draugr Overlord.
I don't think that's a Dremora but the Draugr Overlord mentioned in the article.
I think so too, and so does Danger Dan
I can't judge though if it's a daedric armour or not. I'm looking at a too low quality picture.
Anybody got a high quality picture to look at YOURSELF (not link it to us)?
I'm leaning to a guess that it's more a unique set of armour rather than Daedric armour. If it's a draugr who wears Daedric armour, then it would most likely mean we lose the rarity of it, and it's more like Oblivion than Morrowind in that sense. In Morrowind, there was only a powerful old wizard who wore daedric armour, and the rest were dremora. In Oblivion, generic leveled lists had daedric armour.
I'm pretty much just saying the worst thing that could happen, and I'm far from sure that it's true until I can see a clearer picture.