» Wed May 18, 2011 8:32 pm
Well, I feel silly now that I've seen better quality and more screens. Just went out and got the magazine (quest in and of itself to find the thing) and practically took a magnifying glass to the images. By the Gods, they are beautiful. But, my point of me being an idiot, I'm one of those somewhat worried about the talk of severely reduced armor slots.
Pouring over the armor, most you can't really tell one way or the other but there are two with different tops and the same bottoms, judging by the belt details, stud placement, fur, and stitching. On page 57 of PSOM the Conan-looking guy with his back to us is wearing the exact same greaves as the big picture on page 50 where a leather cuirass is seen (in fact the same outfit as the background of this very forum) insead of a He-Man harness. Or at least the belt and white-ish fur is the exact same, so unless they're giving belts a slot I can safely assume it's the same bottom.
Proof of more slots than feared or proof of several variations of armor types? That scaled cuirass we've seen so much of seems to have a different pauldron every time it's shown. Either way, I'm calling myself an over-reacting ninny.
There's my bit of self-deprecating hysteria over with, time to sit back and enjoy everyone else's on the internet. I, at least, can breath now.