Move allows you to single or dual wield various controllers.
There are two types of controllers currently, your standard Move controller:
and then the navigation controller (no tracking functionality):
It would look a little something like this, holding your controllers:
Or you could use two Move controllers, which creates a trade-off for functionality (lose a joystick, gain a thumb-button and your tracked movement).
Now, I imagine that both setups have some merit depending on your play style.
1.) Sword and board could utilize one hand for their weapon, while the shield is simply a one button control, so it could delegated to the nav controller trigger, freeing up your left controller for use with the nav controllers joystick. Crossbows also jive well with this.
-Context sensitive attacks with the Move controller
-looking around with the move controller (gesture towards edge of screen maybe?)
-control horizontal movement with thumb stick
-You can hold the controllers in such a way to emulate a shooting crossbow, the same is currently used in FPS/Gun type games (examine these apparatus):
2.) Most people will probably be dual wielding, either two weapons, two spells, or one spell and one weapon. Others will be using a bow and arrow.
-Context sensitive attacks with both Move controllers
-move horizontally in space using one controller by gesturing (its very sensitive, so I'm sure software could make it happen comfortably)
-looking around with the move controller (gesture towards edge of screen maybe?)
NOTE: This is the only thing where I question how I would apply such things. I know there is a clever way of being able to move and maintain the playability and feel of the game, but so far i haven't thought about it much, speculations will be listed below.
Cool ideas/Controls
-Horse controls like using a switch or yanking on the reigns
-Block using a trigger
-Hold down a button to bring up a quick select screen, select items, weapons, spells, gear, etc with ease.
-Lockpick using your steady-handed skills (prob get annoying, but cool anyways...)
-Use Dragon Shouts via the built in microphone, actually have to say them?
-Select potions, perform chugging motion to drink (unfortunately probably wont be able to smash your bottle of Flin at the bar and start shanking people with +20 Strength)
-Completely new level of interaction with puzzles, traps, tripwires, etc. Cut the ropes, push around the swinging things, dodge rocks with a new level of intensity.
-One issue i could see cropping up would be executing fluid movement (or fluid enough compared to standard two-joystick controls in FPS's and FP-RPG's)
-The other issue would be accurate aiming of spells/arrows. "Sports Champions" was pretty darn good with its aiming, and I'm certain that better coders could track your movements even better, but it might not be enough for a hardcoe gamer. I could see some software enhancing this through use of acceleration, deceleration, or some sort of aim assistance to account for the disparity in precision compared to a standard controller. This could easily work, but I have no idea how they would account for hitting smaller objects (hard to remain steady when you are in zombie smashing, troll crushing mode)
Well, these are my thoughts, i hope since I haven't seen a direct denial of the Move being used that it is at least being considered. Lets follow with some discussion on the Strengths and Weaknesses you see, as well as Ideas. I often hear that the developers patrol the forums looking for ideas, if we keep this constructive... maybe it could happen?!