» Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:25 am
First off, why would they make the effort to design a control scheme for a computer keyboard, and a controller, and THEN have to make another one just for a dumb knock off of the nintendo wii controller. I would so much rather have them spend time on making a better game for everyone then waist time trying to please playstation players (who are probably their smallest market seeing as they PC has had 4 generations and then xbox has 2).
I don't think it would be fun. I have played wii for far too many years, to know that when a sword games comes out, I just avoid it. Swinging that stupid stick around every time makes the game boring. All I say during it is "wow, I really wish I could just hit a button right now."
It's an open world RPG, I want more focus on fun quests then just combat.
Oh, and I basically just hate PS3 all together. :thumbsup: