I have a question regarding the PS4 version of FO4. I would like to know whether or not the function of playstation its share play will be available with this game. I don't think this has been asked yet (i could be mistaken..) and would really love to have this mechanic.
I use this share play a lot with a friend of mine whenever one of us don't feel like playing and the other is. I know some companies do not use this (i think share play is canceled in COD and destiny i.e), however i really think this game would be great to watch as a friend plays (share play even gives the option to let the viewer play instead of the host by streaming).
So long story short, does anybody know if share play function of the PS4 is available with this game?. If not can a mod/dev give some information on this subject if that is possible?.
A fellow Fallout player