I dont think it is a stupid idea, to hold of on the release date. This game is a brand new game, it is not Call of Duty which would mean it would have a large following. This game needs to sell well and be successful so that the Developers can profit and hopefull come out with a sequel. A game that is basically made for online gaming will not sell at all on the Playstation right now, I have spoken with several people who said they were planning on getting Brink but now they are just going to get LA Noire. Of course this is due to the fact that a majority of people would prefer to play this game online. I had this game preordered but cancelled my preorder because of the PSN being down. I am a huge fan of what I have seen of this game, I am in no way bashing the game. I just believe that Splash Damage needs to make sure and release this game at the right time, so they can make a large profit, especially with the effort that has went into developing a game of this magnitude.
Brink will suffer because of the PSN to me that is obvious and there are a few articles I have read speaking of this exact thing.
So the 80% of people who preordered on PC or Xbox 360 should ALSO suffer because Sony's online is garbage? LOL No thx bro. How about pick it up and play single-player to advance your character so when PSN comes back up you're not behind? Or just wait to pick the game up when PSN does come back on. Or get a decent PC or 360.
All delaying the release date would do is perturb ALL gamers, when as of now only PS3 gamers are angry...how would this improve anything. And you don't need to worry about the sales. I live in an incredibly small town with a population of under 500, and the local Gamestop had 200 preorders for it, so it will sell just fine even if you refuse to buy it because PSN is down.