Have it the way it is in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. Have it so you have a chance to pick any lock no matter what your skill is at. The lower your skill, the less of a chance you will unlock it. Also bring back lockpicking kits and devices.
I could imagine a new lockpicking mini-game....
Spring Bolt Lock (Screwdriver Required) - Your typical door lock, manovour the screwdriver so it pushes back on on the latch until the door opens, found on wardrobes and some doors
Basic Key Lock (Lockpicks and Screwdriver Required) - Standard Fallout Lockpicking mini-game, usually found on lockers, wooden doors and other small lockable objects
Advance Key Lock (Lockpicks and Screwdriver Required) - Similar to Oblivion's Lockpicking mini-game, found on more secure doors and storage devices
Tumble Lock (Stethoscope Required) - You are to turn a tumble lock back and forth until you hear clicking, found on safes and some doors
Dual Key and Tumble Lock (Lockpicks, Stethoscope and Screwdriver Required) - You need to unlock the tumble lock first then attempt to pick the basic key lock, found on more secure storage containers and doors.
Electronic Lock (Screwdriver and Pliers Required) - Unscrew the panel and rearrange the wires until the door unlocks, caution you my be electrocuted, wrecking your tools, found on more advance containers and secure doors.
anymore ideas :bonk: