Post » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:22 pm

i hope this gamble pays off all i ask is for a few more kills a game it seems like quiet a lot of work in crysis 2 to get kills weather it was unloading hole clips chasing foes and them dissapearing or getting shot in the back while you trying to empty you clip in fools for a kill ok here is my plea to crysis since you nerfed sprinting and gave armor and stealth their own drain bars in crysis 3 and what i meam by nerfing sprintin will be slower this go around if in stealth what i would like to see mele 1 hit kill fewer bullits to get a kill maybe around 4 or 5 much more ammo plus stock magazine sizes i have been very hard on this game only becaus i want it to compete with the big dogs of fps everywhere and lets face it a few more kills for everyone would promote satisfieng game play THERE ARE MY SUGGESTIONS WHATS YOURS CRYSIS PLEASE READ THIS exuse the grammer i cant stand english language lol
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Lauren Graves
Posts: 3343
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Post » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:20 pm

So basically you want it to be easier to kill people? I'm sorry but Crysis is supposed to be a skill based shooter.

BTW, if you are really from the United States as your location suggests, I would recommend you work on your spelling and grammar... you know it is kinda important in the real world right?
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Zach Hunter
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