You want to go directly to Amazon/Barnes&Noble/Your Local Bookstore and buy a copy of _Shocked, Appalled, and Dismayed!: How to Write Letters of Complaint That Get Results_ by Ellen Phillips. It really does work. One of the key points is to write an actual, physical letter on paper and mail it -- actual letters tend to be taken much more seriously.
It occurs to me, actually, that it's entirely possible that Todd Howard and the others in a position to actually fix things like head-bob don't know it's a problem, because the complaints never get up to their level. An option to disable head-bob would be utterly trivial, and given that 'New Fallout game making players ill' is about the worst possible publicity you could get, I'd think it would get the green light immediately if it was brought up.
(I suppose another option would be to pick a fairly prominent gaming journalist, and have everyone who is made ill from headbobbing write them and ask them to write just such an article, but that doesn't seem very friendly, and Bethesda really are good guys, so I don't think it's warranted.)